
Posts Tagged ‘2009’

The Doors Experience_ ‘LA Woman live at the Volkshaus Zurich 2009 The Doors Experience’ _ The Daily JournalSource:The Doors Experience as Jim Morrison & The Doors.

“Filmed by Loïc Duliscouët on Silvester Party 2009 at the Volkshaus in Zurich (Switzerland).
This song leads exactly into the new year 2010.”

From The Doors Experience

If I had to put a list together of the best cover bands for Jim Morrison and The Doors, this group would be in the first group. They have the sound down and the vocalist, despite being a much taller and bigger man than Jim Morrison, has The Lizard King’s look down.

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Source:Joe Jetson– This is the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. Sorry, I always wanted to say that in public.

Source:The Daily Journal 

“An inebriated Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy drove a 1967 Olds 88 into the frigid waters of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts after leaving a party on the night of July 18, 1969. Also in the car with the married Senator Kennedy was Mary Jo Kopechne, a young, single woman, and former employee of the Kennedy’s family. While Kennedy (known to his fellow Democrats as “The Soul Of The Democratic Party”) somehow managed to escape the submerged vehicle, his passenger was not so fortunate. She was left for dead by Teddy, The “Hero of Chappaquiddick”. Kennedy fled the scene on foot and did not report the accident to police until TEN HOURS LATER. Kopechne’s dead body was discovered trapped inside the car the next morning. Somehow, Kennedy managed to avoid murder (or at least manslaughter) charges. He used the corrupt Kennedy political machine to somehow escape full responsibility for this tragedy with only minor Traffic Charges. History records that Kennedy went on to become the Spiritual Leader and an Icon of the Democratic Party. He even had the nerve to try a failed bid for President in 1980, but his this scandalous incident caught up with him, and he was forced to withdraw from the race in disgrace. But that didn’t stop him from doing his best to destroy the USA for thirty more years with failed Liberal Programs which are now finally leading to the moral and financial bankruptcy of our once great nation.”

From Joe Jetson

Despite this horrible tragedy, Ted Kennedy made a very successful and productive life for himself afterwords. Ted Kennedy, was basically still a frat boy in 1969 even at 37. He was married and already had kids, but wasn’t very serious about his marriage and liked other women. He was still dealing with the assassination of his brother Bobby and perhaps Jack as well. He simply wasn’t ready for the national spotlight and people to be looking at him as the future leader of the country. Because he was still trying to grow up, something that he didn’t really accomplish at all until the mid or late 1990s when he was already in his sixties with grandchildren. Up till then he was still trying to balance his personal life which could be chaotic and his professional life as a U.S. Senator.

If you watched the 2009 HBO documentary about Ted Kennedy which really was Senator Kennedy in his own words I really think you see how responsible and hurt he was from his own childish and immature actions that cost the life of a young woman Mary Joe Kopechne:

First of all, he’s driving this woman home instead of his wife from this party, which I believe is a big clue there. And driving her home when he’s had too much to drink. Ted, was still dealing with alcoholism in his early sixties. He drives the car into a lake and the first thing that comes to his mind is his personal survival. And the second thing his is professional survival. Not the woman who was in the car with him. That came after it looked like he might be held personally responsible for her life.

Of the three Kennedy brothers that served in Congress and had successful careers in politics, Ted Kennedy had the best and longest career. Even though he was never president. But compare his Congressional record with his brothers and most people who have ever served in Congress in either the Senate or House and Senator Kennedy is in the first class, whatever you think of his politics. And all of this despite his lack of maturity and personal responsibility.

Ted was never built to be President of the United States. By the time he was personally ready for that and to even make a strong run at that, he was in his early sixties. And Bill Clinton was already president and the Democratic Party was moving away from Senator Kennedy’s more social democratic politics. But Senator Kennedy, once he finally grew up became a great man and a great senator.

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Source:Salon Magazine– Bryan Cranston as Walter White.

Source:The Daily Journal 

“In which Our Hero speeds by the Last Exit on the Highway To Hell, and we learn a new reason for his haste in passing.

Vince Gilligan has admitted that he and his writers view writing “Breaking Bad” as a game of Vulcan three-dimensional chess. If so, last week’s “Dead Freight” was a sacrifice move, that allowed all of the pieces to arrange on that game board in precisely the right fashion. Make no mistake. The precision and plotting of “Buy-Out” redeems the excesses of “Dead Freight,” and (almost) makes that last move worthwhile. Last week’s overblown heist plot turns in on itself in “Buy-Out.” Something is not pulled off, but rather, an attempt is made to pull out, in this case, via a brilliant exit strategy that would clearly allow all of our players to escape with their lives and a nice pocket o’ change. What could possibly go wrong? Of course.” 

From Salon Magazine

“A fan made Movie style trailer for season 1 of AMC’s Breaking Bad.” 

Breaking Bad Trailer (First Season) - Google Search

Source:Trailer Blend– Bryan Cranston as Walter White.

From Trailer Blend

Breaking Bad is a show that I can watch from time to time. I’l catch a marathon of it on AMC (when I’m up very late, can’t sleep, and have nothing else to do) but then I’l go months without watching it, because I get my fill from it after a few episodes. It’s sort of like that great Hitchcock or Bond movie that you see where you are given so much to take in at once and then you just don’t need it for a while. The writers, producers, and cast of this show, really know how to satisfy their audience and fill up their brains leaving them wanting no more, at least for a while.

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Source:The Real News– from Andrew Cockburn’s film.

Source:FreeState MD 

“Andrew Cockburn co-producer of the documentary “American Casino” talks about the sub-prime crash”

From The Real News 

I don’t think you can put all the blame on President George W. Bush for the Wall Street crash of 2008 and the Great Recession that followed. But since his Administration furthered the culture of Wall Street is everyone’s best friend and therefor we should just leave it alone to serve our interests for us and government should just butt out, we saw all of these investors and big banks that were too big to fail, allowed to operate without a referee. And because of that, we had all these investors who were simply operating at their on their own interests (which is their right) but doing it without a referee and crashing the American economy as a result.

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Richard Nixon Library_ Oral History- Tim Naftali Interviewing George McGovern

Source:Richard Nixon Library– Former U.S. Senator and 1972 Democratic Party presidential nominee George McGovern, talking to presidential historian Tim Naftali, in 2009.

Source:FreeState MD 

“George McGovern recorded interview by Timothy Naftali, 26 August 2009, the Richard
Nixon Oral History Project of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum.”

From the Richard Nixon Library 

“George Stanley McGovern, who rose from small-town roots in Avon and Mitchell to the highest heights of American politics, died Sunday morning at a Sioux Falls hospice facility from a combination of medical conditions associated with his age. He was 90.

Though he was known mostly for his unsuccessful 1972 presidential campaign, McGovern was more than that. He was an accomplished student and debater during his school days in Mitchell; a World War II bomber pilot decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross; a doctorate-level scholar; a history professor; the rebuilder of the South Dakota Democratic Party; a U.S. representative; director of the Food for Peace program in the Kennedy administration; a U.S. senator; an icon of the anti-Vietnam War effort; a lifelong crusader against the scourge of hunger; a United Nations delegate and ambassador; the author of 14 books; and, in his later years, an elder statesman who remained a sought-after speaker and commenter on issues of the day.”

George McGovern

Source:The Mitchell Republic– U.S. Senator George McGovern (Democrat, South Dakota) running for President in 1972.

“Sen. George McGovern gives the victory sign to throng of about 20,000 persons assembled at Madison Square garden, June 14, 1972 in New York for rally in support to his attempt to win the democratic presidential candidacy. (AP Photo/Dave Pickoff)”

From The Mitchell Republic

George McGovern was someone with one hell of a political and professional resume, who represented South Dakota in both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate as a Leftist Democrat in one of the reddest states in the union. And yet he represented South Dakota in Congress for twenty-two years.

Mr. McGovern served as Director of the U.S. Food For Peace Program, who won the Democratic Party nomination for President in 1972, who rebuilt the Democratic Party almost on his own, by bringing in so many new Democrats, who thought the Democratic Party was still the Dixiecrat Party that didn’t welcome ethnic or racial minorities or women, and so-forth.

Senator McGovern benefited the Democratic Party by 1976 with Jimmy Carter being elected President in 1976, who was a Progressive Democrat from the South and not as far to the left as the national Democratic Party. George McGovern was a man who truly believed in public service, that it was about representing the public and not furthering your career financially.

George McGovern grew up in the New Deal era in the Democratic Party era, the Progressive Era of Franklin Roosevelt and thought this was the politics of the future. And something that he believed in and was the dominant political philosophy up until the late 1960s or so.

The problem that Senator McGovern had was that by the time he was a national Democrat and becoming a major contender For President of the United States, Senator McGovern was not a New Deal Progressive Democrat, but more of a Henry Wallace Democratic Socialist, during a time when the country was moving to the right on economic policy and when high taxes, Welfare, big government were becoming unpopular.Yet

When the country was moving right economically, the George McGovern and the Democratic Party was moving left, thanks to the New-Left and Baby Boomers of the 1960s and 70s. Which made it almost impossible for a McGovernite like a McGovern to win nationally and win statewide perhaps in most states.

The main difference between Barry Goldwater and George McGovern’s landslide presidential losses, is that Senator Goldwater was ahead of his time and the country wasn’t quite ready for his let’s call it conservative-libertarianism in 1964. At the heart of the Great Society era in the country.

But in Senator McGovern’s case, the country moved past his and LBJ’s progressivism and Wallace/McGovern democratic socialism. And instead we’re looking for fewer taxes and more economic development and growth in America.

What I call the McGovern wing of the Democratic Party, that’s different from the FDR or LBJ wing, was forming, but hasn’t had the power to nominate another McGovern Socialist to run for President in the Democratic Party.

The Far-Left of the Democratic Party tried with McGovern again in 1984, Jesse Jackson in 84 and 88, Dennis Kucinich in 2004 and 2008. But none of these Far-Leftist Democrats, have come even close to being a major contender for the Democratic presidential nomination. And we are now seeing McGovern-Democrats running for President in social democratic third-parties.

George McGovern’s legacy for the Democratic Party, is that he expanded it. Taken it away from the right-wing Religious-Right of the South and giving the Republican Party a Christmas gift from hell. And turning the Democratic Party into more of a Northern and West Coast party. That relies on minorities and women, to be successful politically.

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