
Posts Tagged ‘2012’

FNCSource:FOX News– talking about Newt Gingrich For President (2012)

Source:FreeState MD

“Comedian, actor, radio and television personality John Fugelsang appears on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” to discuss politics and The Stephanie Miller Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour.”

From Shanem FO

This is just about John Fugelang talking about American politics in 2011 and who was up and down that year. They talked about Newt Gingrich for President, who ran for President in 2011/12. And you get to hear what John Fugelsang and the rest of the panel thinks about what was going on in American politics late that year.

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Michele Bachmann's Most Outrageous Comments (2013) - Google Search

Source:The Daily Beast– former U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann. (Republican, Minnesota) The only public service that Michele Bachmann ever did was not running for reelection. She did Minnesota a big favor there.

Source:FreeState MD

“Never one to shy away from a tendentious (or just blatantly false) statement, the Tea Party Congresswoman has witnessed her fair share of controversy. From virulent anti-gay sentiment to borderline McCarthyism, watch Bachmann’s worst.”

From The Daily Beast

Some people may think George W. Bush is the Democratic Party’s favorite punching bag. But the fact is President Bush has been out of office for over four years now (thank God) and he’s looking pretty good compared with today’s GOP.

This is a little difficult for me because that’s like coming up with best plays that Larry Bird ever made playing basketball. Or the best passes that Joe Montana ever thrown, or the best home runs that Hank Aron ever hit and so-fourth. Also I don’t live in Representative Bachmann’s House district or state, thank God, otherwise I would’ve moved or been kicked out of there, whatever came first. And I’m not in Congress myself so what I hear about her is from the national media or from blogs. But I can limit it two or three as someone who follows politics closely and has big annoyance when it comes to political hypocrisy and contradiction.

When Representative Bachmann announced for President in the summer of 2011, as I and every other blogger and comedian were celebrating about all the new material that was going to come our way free of charge and at her expense coming from Michele herself, she announced she was in favor of two constitutional amendments. One was to outlaw pornography and the other was to outlaw same- sex marriage both at the federal level. Keep in mind this coming from someone who calls herself a constitutional conservative. Also keep in mind this coming from someone who knows as much about conservatism and the U.S. Constitution as a fish knows about Wall Street.

During Representative Bachmann’s four month presidential campaign she also came out against big government. Well, that makes sense because that’s an issue she knows a lot of about with all of her positions in support of big government. Michele has a habit of bashing things she’s in love with, well, take big government to use as an example. And claiming to love and support things that she says she loves. Take well the U.S. Constitution to use as an example.

What if I were a Republican today, first of all I would ask myself why am I a Republican today and if I could answer that question and I was still a Republican, I would want George W. Bush back leading the party. And prey that he learned something from all of his dumb mistakes as President and didn’t repeat them. Because GWB looks like a God compared with today’s Republican Party and Michele Bachmann represents the intelligence and information gap in the Republican Party. And why they can’t win elections they are supposed to win easily going in.

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Tom Hayden_ ‘Did Anti-War & Lifelong Democrat Tom Hayden Send Generation a Huge Message_’

Source:BBC News– New-Left political activist Tom Hayden and his then wife actress Jane Fonda.

Source:The Daily Journal 

“Hayden died in his home in Santa Monica “after a lengthy illness”, the Los Angeles Times reports.

He was a member of the “Chicago seven” charged with conspiracy over anti-Vietnam war protests in 1968 and eventually acquitted.

Hayden later served in the California state assembly and Senate for nearly two decades. He was married to actress Jane Fonda between 1973 and 1990.

Born in Michigan in 1939, he became an activist during his time at the University of Michigan, where he helped to found Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

While there, he wrote a policy document called the Port Huron Statement, which he styled the “agenda for a generation.”

From BBC News

“DemocracyNow.org – We speak with Tom Hayden, principal author of the Port Huron statement 50 years ago, the founding document of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The statement advocated for participatory democracy and helped launch the student movement of the 1960s. Tens of thousands of copies of the 25,000-word document were printed in booklet form. The youth-led movement changed the very language of politics and its impact is still being felt today. Hayden is a longtime activist and former California state senator.”

SDS Founder, Tom Hayden on Participatory Democracy From Port Huron to Occupy Wall Street (2012) - Google Search

Source:Democracy Now– New-Left political activist Tom Hayden.

From Democracy Now

Every generation in America is different, but from really the founding of the American Federal Republic in the 1770s, to up to the early and mid 1960s, America was dominated by a social collectivist culture about what it meant to be an American.

And then we go through the Great Depression of the 1920s and 30s and even with that you have this generation of Americans who were born during that period (1925-41) who were growing during the Great Depression of the 1930s and then World War II during the 1940s and then the 1950s comes with America returning to prosperity, but with a generation of Silent babies who weren’t satisfied with that prosperity, who wanted more for themselves and for Americans who were left out of that prosperity, especially women and minorities.

This is the generation of Americans that Tom Hayden is from and represents as someone who was born in 1939 and grew up in the 1940s and 50s and went to college in the 1960s and lived through the civil rights movement and the antiwar movement that happened later in that decade. Who saw and viewed an America that didn’t work for everyone, especially themselves.

And then you have the Baby Boomers who came of age in the 1960s who joined this New-Left political movement that was about total equality between the races and between men and women, who were also antiwar. Who also wanted a new America, a new form of government, new economic system, to create an American socialist state that would work for everyone and even use violence in some cases to achieve those political goals.

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Source:The Daily Beast– John Avlon, Meghan McCain & Mike Moynihan.

Source:The Daily Journal

“As new details emerge about Gen. David Petraeus’ affair with Paula Broadwell, Meghan McCain, Michael Moynihan, and John Avlon debate the scandal’s potential repercussions, on today’s NewsBeast.”

From The Daily Beast

Sounds like a real reality TV show in the works, perhaps Meghan McCain will produce it. You heard that here first. As far as David Petraeus and his sex scandal, I guess this is the clincher that American politics and government is never boring and why we have a political junky industry. And for so-called Progressives today ( I’m being too nice with the word Progressives ) I guess who believe that America should be more like France, well we are when it comes to our public officials and how they live their personal lives.

Political junky, is no longer just a hobby for unemployed politicians who can’t seem to win another public office and keep losing. And spend all of their free time, which is really all of their time, especially if they have a Congressional pension, watching C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC and FNC. But a way for writers and pundits to make their living. To tell Americans how much they don’t know about American politics and government.

As far as Benghazi, if it wasn’t for that story, what would House Republicans do? At least some of them like Speaker John Boehner, are smart enough to know they can’t repeal ObamaCare in this Congress with a Democratic Senate and Democratic President, that the law is named after. Most of them probably never have any attention of leaving Congress, at least the House of Representatives. So they don’t want to work with Senate Democrats to pass anything constructive that President Obama might actually sign. And risk being primaried and having to go home and work for a living. Like washing cars, or hosting radio talk shows, teaching gym in high school, or whatever they were doing in 2009 before they decided to run for the House. So all they have left in their one page playbook that a five-year could read is a bogus (to be too nice) Benghazi investigation.

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Source:The Daily Beast– Howard Kurtz and Bill Hemmer talking about the future of Fox News.

Source:The Daily Journal 

“President Obama’s re-election might seem as nothing has changed, but that doesn’t mean it will be boring, says Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer. He talks with Spin Cycle’s Howard Kurtz about Megyn Kelly’s ‘awkward’ election night moment with Karl Rove, and why the astute viewer will watch all the news channels.”

From The Daily Beast

The next four years at Fox News will hopefully start with a revaluation of how the report the news. Because how they’re doing it now, is not helping and informing the people who they speak for which are right-wing Tea Party Republicans and the Far-Right in America.

Even if because Republicans actually believe a lot of the, lets call it spin that comes from FNC and take it seriously and many times it’s just half-truths if that, which leaves a lot of Republicans, especially the professionals who either are politicians themselves or work for politicians, with at best half of the news. As we saw with the polling of the Romney-Obama election.

In the last few days only FNC thought that Mitt Romney was going to win (or that’s what they were saying publicly) or even had a good shot at winning. Where the rest of the mainstream media saw a clear bounce or bump in the favor of President Obama. Especially in states like Florida and Virginia, over the weekend with Ohio never moving towards Governor Romney either.

It’s fine and I’m even for a news organization having their commentary that clearly leans in one direction or the other, I’m not getting on FNC for that. But what they need to do if they want to get taken seriously and be considered a credible source for news outside of the Republican Party, is separate news from commentary, which is what The Wall Street Journal does.

It’s fine a way to separate the news from the commentary. Take Sheppard Smith’s lead on this who actually has a real newscast, the FOX Report. Just report the news no matter who it hurts, or helps and then have your commentators explain what they think it means. As well as bringing in more inform commentators. Not relying so much on the Dick Morris’s and Karl Rove’s of the world who are really just there to speak for their side of the aisle, but bring in people who actually know what they are talking about. When you bring them in to talk about the issues. Which CNN does with Republicans consultant Alex Castollanos.

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Real Time With Bill Maher_ What’s Wrong With Republican Thinking

Source:Real Time With Bill Maher– on the lack of Republican thinking.

Source:FreeState MD 

”Real Time’s” (HBO) Bill Maher once again goes off on conservative/republican thinking in contemporary politics” 

From Real Time With Bill Maher 

When Senator John Kerry was running for President in 2003-04 and won the Democratic nomination for that election, he was famous for saying: “I was for it before I was against it”. Talking about a vote he made on an appropriations bill in Congress to fund the Iraq War that he voted for. But then when it was amended and came up again, he voted against it and Republicans used that vote to refer to Senator Kerry as a flip flopper. And had a lot of success with that in 2004.

Well, all partisan Republicans, especially the Republican Leadership, whether it’s healthcare reform or anything else, the phrase they should be known for: “I’m against it if Barack Obama is for it”.

And I say this, because in the first three years of President Obama’s presidency, they’ve taken positions that they once supported and are now against them. The big issues like healthcare reform and education reform.

Twenty years ago Republicans Senators introduced the healthcare mandate in Congress. Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole, still supports the healthcare mandate and has never run against it.

And the late Senator John Chaffee, who couldn’t get elected as a Republican today, because he would be considered way too liberal, or perhaps a commie socialist Jihad supporting Un-American by the Christian-Nationalist GOP, but Senator Chaffee and the Heritage Foundation back then, supported the healthcare mandate.

The health insurance mandate was a Conservative Republican idea, that all Americans would cover their share of their healthcare costs. That Progressive Democrats at least at one point were against, because they saw it as harsh.

There are other areas like in education reform, where the President supports charter schools, but would get accused as being in support of federal intervention of public schools.

President Obama could give a speech tomorrow, coming out against big government. Probably 20% of the GOP now believes President Obama is a Socialist and yet they would criticize him for that saying: “No, we need big government in America”. Actually they would have some credibility here, because Christian-Nationalist Republicans do believe in a form of big government. But in a different form that’s authoritarian, where personal freedom is pretty limited.

President Obama could come out against the progressive income tax tomorrow and in favor of a flat income tax and Republicans would criticize him for that. And come out in favor of the progressive income tax and in favor of raising taxes on the wealthy and American corporations. Because President Obama now supports the flat tax.

The Republican Party has moved so far to the right and have become so simplistic and so partisan and power-hungry, to the point, if their opponents support something, they automatically assume that position is wrong.

Because the GOP have such a huge craving for wedge issues and to look different from the opposition and have issues to use against them to gain power. And take the opposite position and you ask them what their position is on something they’ll say: “I don’t know, it depends on what my opponent’s position on that is. We are for what they are against and are against what they are for. Because they are wrong no matter what their position is. So of course we are going to be against it”. The modern Tea Party driven Republican Party.



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Mitt Romney_ 'Big Day Marred by Etch A Sketch Remark' (1)

Source:CNN– Ann Romney vs Rick Santorum on CNN.

Source:The Daily Journal

“Mitt Romney picked up a highly prized endorsement Wednesday from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush after a convincing victory the night before in the Illinois primary but then saw a top adviser’s televised comment provide new ammunition to his trailing rivals in the Republican presidential race.

Eric Fehrnstrom, Romney’s senior campaign adviser, was asked in a CNN interview Wednesday morning whether the former Massachusetts governor had been forced to adopt conservative positions in the rugged race that could hurt his standing with moderates in November’s general election.

“I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes,” Fehrnstrom responded. “It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up, and we start all over again.”

From CNN

“For a candidate who has spent months battling the title of “flip-flopper,” perhaps the last thing he would want associated with his name is an Etch A Sketch, those do-over drawing boards that let you shake your scribbles away with the flick of a wrist.

Unfortunately Mitt Romney won’t be able to shake away this comparison any time soon. When his campaign spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom was asked this morning on CNN how the GOP frontrunner would make the pivot to the general election, Fehrnstrom compared Romney’s primary campaign to an Etch A Sketch, a gaffe that spread like wildfire to Romney’s rival’s stump speeches.”

Mitt Romney_ 'Big Day Marred by Etch A Sketch Remark'

Source:ABC News– 2012 Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum: wants to know how to use an I-pad? Perhaps doesn’t even know what it is.

From ABC News

A President Mitt Romney and I doubt this would ever happen, but if it did it would be better for comedians. Because he’s a gaffe and flip-flopping machine, that would provide comedians and bloggers mountains of material to make fun of him.

Every comedian in America should endorse Mitt Romney for president for their own careers. Because they would make all the material they had against George W. Bush look as original as the New York Yankees winning the World Series, or Lebron James playing in the NBA Finals and losing. Because when it comes to taking political positions for Mitt, it depends on which group he’s talking to and which Mitt is speaking to that group.

Businessman Mitt, religious fundamentalist Mitt, or whoever Mitt is when he’s not running for whatever political office he’s interested in at the time.

The fact that someone like Mitt Romney who flips backs and forth more often than tennis balls at a tennis match, could win the Republican nomination for president, is like a quarterback winning the starting position for an expansion team: “Since no one else seriously tried out and you haven’t done any time in any mental institutions and don’t see same-sex marriage as a threat national security, we’ll give the job to you. And good luck to you as we’re more interested in 2016 anyway. When we might have at least on candidate who can actually win.”

Mitt Romney won the GOP presidential nomination, because he seemed like the only person who was sane to the GOP establishment and would embarrass them the least and not cost them the House of Representatives. Which they can’t afford to lose in 2012.

So yeah, a President Mitt Romney (I’m shitting bricks just saying that) would have been great for comedy and blogging interesting. Especially bloggers who right comedy and I’m one of them. But bad for the American people, because for them to have any idea what their President thinks about any issue, they would have to listen and read every single he says. Because his positions could change the next time he opens his mouth about anything depending on who he’s talking too. And what the polls in the Republican Party are saying.

President Romney Senior Adviser- “Aw Mr. President, your current position on that issue is not popular.”

President Romney- “Okay, I’ll change it.”

Senior Adviser- “But you just took that position yesterday.”

“Romney- “So what! I’m speaking to Americans. Their memories aren’t that long anyway.”

That is what a President Romney would be like. Who knows what the President, because he doesn’t even know. Great for comedy, but bad for the country.

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The Decline of Broadcast News - Mike Papantonio (2012) - Google Search

Source:Thom Hartmann– left-wing talk radio show host Mike Papantonio.

Source:The Daily Journal 

“Thom Hartmann talks with Mike Papantonio, attorney and Host of Ring of Fire Radio about the decline of broadcast news since Ronald Reagan did a way with the Fairness Doctrine and Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act.
If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends… and hit that “like” button!”

From Thom Hartmann

If as a country, we want to have strong broadcast news divisions, then Americans have to actually watch network news. Instead of just getting all of their info from cable or online.

We live in a liberal democracy, meaning people get to see what they watch. Rather than programming being forced on them. You can’t force people to do what is in their best interest and make the best decisions for themselves in a free society. Which is what a liberal democracy is.

We have a First Amendment which includes our free press (meaning not controlled by the government) and that means our private media is owned privately. Which means our broadcast networks, including their news divisions have to make money in order to stay in business. Unlike big government propaganda agencies that you see in communist countries that are literally owned and operated by the party in power and the government.

So for hard news to be seen and read in America, Americans actually have to watch and read that news coverage, otherwise it won’t make money and put the operating budgets of news companies, including news divisions, at risk. We get all the soft news and partisan news coverage in this country, because that’s what American watch, listen to and read and what makes money in this country.

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Source:K Sree Kumar– the cast of HBO’s The Newsroom.

Source:The Daily Journal

“This post may seem wildly dated, in that it takes up an American sitcom that first ran from 2012 to 2014 — but stick with me for a moment, and maybe it’ll seem topical again.

I first watched the The Newsroom in India, in re-runs a year or two after it first broadcast, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Notwithstanding criticisms from many reviewers, including some I usually agree with, about ineptitude, intellectual snobbery and worse, to me it seemed one of the smarter, more articulate of American comedy shows, with an interesting focus on what one might call “larger” issues.

Even before I watched the TV show I had, like pretty much everyone else who uses WhatsApp in India, seen an excerpt which went viral, at least in my country. It was labelled, “The Most Honest 2 Minutes on American TV”, or something on those lines. Just icymi, in that clip (viewable here), drawn from from Episode 1, Season 1, an American university student innocently asks a panel including key protagonist Will McAvoy the leading question, What makes America the greatest country in the world.”

From K Sree Kumar 

This is from HBO’s The Newsroom episode when anchor Will McAvoy (played by Jeff Daniels) argues that the so-called RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) are the real Republicans. And the fake Republicans are actually populist Tea Party and the rest of the Populist-Right in America.

The Newsroom_ Will McAvoy- 'RINOS Are The Real Republicans'

Source:HBO– Jeff Daniels, as Newsroom anchor Will McAvoy.

Another look at the episode from HBO’s The Newsroom where their anchor Will McAvoy (played by Jeff Daniels) argues that the so-called RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) are actually the real Republicans. And the populists are the fake Republicans.

The Newsroom

Source:HBO– Jeff Daniels as The Newsroom anchor Will McAvoy.

I’ll be honest, I’m not a regular viewer of HBO’s Newsroom, but I’ve seen a few scenes of it. And what I’ve gotten out of it, is the anchor of this Newscast, is an admitted Republican. A Conservative Republican even, but a Republican in how the Republican Party use to be.

Will McAvoy Republicans tend to be well-educated, intelligent, believe and reason and facts, are religious even, but believe in factually based evidence and facts and don’t let their religious beliefs runs their lives for them, especially when their religion goes against facts and evidence.

The people that I’m guessing Will McAvoy (played by Jeff Daniels) believes are the real RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) are people who are so hard-core with their religious and culturally based, nationalistic even political philosophy, that they are the people who are the real RINOS, because they don’t believe in facts and evidence, just their political fundamentalism. And screw off facts and evidence, when they go against their partisan politics.

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Source:FreeState MD – a woman who is perhaps out of this world.

Source:FreeState MD 

“There’s no question that religion can have some ugly moral and social consequences. The homophobic and misogynist attitudes of many American Evangelicals come straight out their sacred texts. So do the Islamic concepts of “dhimmitude” and jihad. So does the Jewish notion of favored bloodlines. So do Mormon and Scientologist recruiting practices. The Bible prescribes the death penalty for thirty six infractions, ranging from childhood disobedience to marital infidelity to witchcraft. The Quran contains over a hundred verses sanctifying the slaughter of infidels in one context or another. I’ve argued in the past that religion disinhibits violence rather than causing it, but in a world of complex causation, one where straws sometimes break the backs of camels, that may be a distinction without a difference. The fact is, putting God’s name on Iron Age morality contributes to Iron Age behavior.

There also can be no question that, in this regard, not all ideologies are created equal. Religions differ in their history, teaching, and priorities, and consequently in how readily they are leveraged to justify oppression or violence. To name this month’s most salient example, Islam’s death penalty for blasphemy, combined with a prohibition of images, means that some Muslims are uniquely likely to flare when testosterone gets ignited by blasphemous pictures. The Onion made this point recently with a graphic cartoon depicting Jesus, Moses, Ganesh, and Buddha engaged in sex, beneath the caption, “No One Murdered Because of This Image.”

From the AlterNet

“In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher addresses Indiana’s new “religious freedom” law and calls on moderates of all religions to come out against fundamentalism.”

Real Time with Bill Maher_ Fighting Fundamentalism (2015) - Google Search

Source:Real Time With Bill Maher– on religious fundamentalism in America.

From Real Time With Bill Maher

Probably the same reason why the craziest Atheists who want to outlaw religion, because they are crazy and don’t understand the U.S. Constitution. If you don’t want to hear about someone, stop talking about them and you’ll hear less.

I like this article in the AlterNet, (perhaps the only article I’ve ever liked by the AlterNet) because Valerie Tarico takes on fundamentalists from all religions. Not just Evangelical Christians, which is what today’s so-called Progressives (the Far-Left really) only focus on:

“Christian-Conservatives, are evil bigots, because they put down women and gays. Conservative-Muslims, are good decent people, who are simply misunderstood. And when they do and say bad things, it’s America’s fault.” Which is generally the attitude that you get from the Far-Left. Which is what the AlterNet is, a clearly left-wing, if not socialist publication on the Far-Left. But with what you get with Valerie Tarico, is religious fundamentalism is bad, even it comes from non-Anglo-Saxon Protestant males.

If religious fundamentalism and bigotry that comes from religious fundamentalism, is a bad thing like gays aren’t real humans, or are mentally handicapped, or women’s place is in the home, etc, then religious fundamentalism is bad period. Doesn’t matter the religion, the race, ethnicity, or color of the people.

If you’re going to put down the Christian-Right when one of their members murders a man simply because he thought that guy was gay, because he had a feminine voice and demeanor, then you can’t defend that same behavior when it happens in Saudi Arabia. Where gays are put to death by their own Islamic government.

The debate about religious extremism shouldn’t be about race, ethnicity, color, or a specific religion. Unless you’re simply bigoted about one race, ethnic, or religious group. To coin a phrase from the great movie about Watergate All The President’s Men: “Follow the money.” Or in this case follow the bigotry. When the Christian-Right behaves badly, sure, go after them. But when Islamists behave badly, don’t call people who criticize that behavior bigots simply for criticizing bad behavior.

Stupid people, unfortunately come in all shapes, sizes, colors, races, ethnicities, religions and genders. Which makes them harder to deal with, because they can hit you at anytime from anyone. No race, ethnicity, religion or gender, has a monopoly on stupidity and bigotry. Which is too bad, because it would be easier to deal with and eliminate:

“Hey, now that we know what all stupid look like, lets just focus on them and put the bigoted morons away.”

You can’t do that with a mental disease like stupidity, simply because we don’t have enough prison and hospital space to house all of those morons. And given these facts when you just concentrate on the bigots from one religion and race of people, while you ignore the bigots from another religion which just happens to be the largest religion in the world, being Islam, you give away get out of jail free cards to a lot of people. Who are just as bigoted as the Christian-Conservatives you don’t like. Which is stupid in itself.

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