
Posts Tagged ‘Religious Conservatives’


Source:AlterNet– Tampa, Florida- home to the Christian-Right GOP & porn

Source:The Daily Journal 

“This piece originally appeared at Salon

Poke around the White House website and you can still find the hopeful “fact sheet” for a 324-mile high-speed rail line linking Miami, Orlando and Tampa.

No such system exists, of course — it was killed by Florida Gov. Rick Scott. Today, there’s a 40-acre vacant lot where the Tampa terminal would have stood. And when Republicans arrive for their national convention in about a week and catch a glimpse of it, they’ll likely see a big win. In fact, the GOP will find a lot of things in Tampa that exemplify their commitment to not investing in the future.”

From the AlterNet

“Strip clubs may not be the most politically correct venue for those attending the Republican National Convention, but that doesn’t mean Tampa’s well-known adult hot spots won’t be ready for the influx of visitors. One place is bringing in a stripper who looks like former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin…”

TYT - Sarah Palin

Source:The Young Turks– An apparent Sarah Palin lookalike in Tampa, Florida.

From The Young Turks

“The trend [in Tampa] today is to say, ‘We don’t need it — no new taxes — we are not going to invest anymore,’” former Pinellas County Commissioner Ronnie Duncan recently told Tampa Bay Online. “And that message resonates from not only the constituents, but the leadership of the Republican Party.” You could fairly call the GOP vision for the country the Tampafication of America.”

The adult entertainment capital of the United States, is hosting the Christian-Nationalist political party that is the Republican Party in name only, ( or RINOS ) since a lot of them don’t even believe in the concept of the republic at all and would prefer a Christian-Theocracy for the United States.

I make the old joke you would have a better shot at seeing prostitutes at a Southern Baptist Convention, than fill in the blank. Whatever fill in the blank is at the time, like you would have a better shot at seeing prostitutes at a Southern Baptist Convention, than the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series, the Cleveland Browns even playing in a Super Bowl. Or a hurricane in Arizona. ( If you want to be more age appropriate )

But since Southern Baptists dominate the so-called Republican Party now and with Mitt Romney having to pretend he’s actually not a Yankee ( New York or otherwise ) and trying to convince people he’s really just from down South and has never had the progressive or liberal views that he’s had in the past about American culture and social issues in general, the so-called Republican Party or Southern Baptists at a porn convention, no longer sounds like an Onion story.

It still sounds like a joke and something that you would read from The Onion, but they’re actually going to be in the porn capital of the United States, if not the world for their summer national convention. Which sounds as ridiculous as seeing Kanye West perform at a Ku Klux Klan rally country music singer Kenny Rogers performing in Compton, California. Something just seems off about that story and looks like who ever prepared this convention didn’t do their homework. And didn’t stop to realize that probably most if not a majority of Republicans would like to outlaw pornography altogether ( not just Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum ) And yet the GOP is going to the biggest city in America if not the world where pornography is not just legal, but performed all over town and in multiple ways.


Source: Black News Zone– Stormy Daniels, President Donald Trump & Family Research Council President Tony Perkins

It would be like a gamblers anonymous group, having their convention or meeting in Las Vegas or Atlantic City. Or an alcoholics anonymous group having their convention or meeting in Boston or New Orleans. A gay therapy conversion group having their convention or meeting in San Francisco. Something just seems really off about this and it’s like you need a punch in the face to make sure you’re not dreaming about this when you see this news and story.


Source: Good Ole Woody’s Blog– Mitt Romney’s, new girlfriend?

We knew ( we, meaning anyone who follows American politics objectively ) that there was serious hypocrisy amongst the so-called Christian-Conservative movement in America as early as 2005-06. With Christian Pastors who claimed that homosexuality is a sin and would then be caught cheating on their wives with men and sometimes even boys. U.S Representative Republican Mark Foley, having to resign from the House in 2006, because he had an affair with a Congressional male intern. That these so-called Christian-Conservatives would have one view in public that was against what they saw as threats to American culture like homosexuality, adultery, and pornography, but then in private would engage in the activities that publicly they would put down and even call for the government to outlaw them.


Source: Christians For Donald Trump– Ride The Donald Trump Train

But now take it up ten years and we have a Republican that is still in bed with the Christian-Right and in the House has seats drawn up for them so they can’t get reelected without the support of the Christian-Right, but who ignore or are completely unbothered when a Republican is caught doing the acts that they claim to hate. Republicans running on draining the swamp in Washington in 2016, throw all their political support around a man who has built his own personal swamp for himself and his allies just as long as they don’t question anything that he does and deliver on the polices that he ran on. Of course I’m thinking of President Donald Trump and his EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. Using taxpayer dollars who further their own business’s in President Trump’s case and on Administrator Pruitt’s case, flying first class on taxpayer’s dime, when coach is always available for him and giving his staff extra financial bonuses that aren’t deserved on taxpayer dime and there’s whole other list of Pruitt corruption that I’ll save you from, for now.


Source: The Critical Mind– Donal Trump, in bed with the Christian-Right

We have a Republican Party that claims to be a Christian-Conservative party, who twenty years ago believed that President Bill Clinton, should not only be impeached for lying about sex, but should’ve been impeached for adultery alone. Who now twenty years laters have no issues with adultery and lying, just as long as the serial liar and adulterer is a Republican they approve of. And of course I’m talking about President Trump once again and his multiple affairs and bad behaviors that he always gets caught lying about. And then attempting to cover it up with either made up conspiracy theories, or trying to deflect and blame someone else.


Source: Bilgrimage– Donald Trump & The Christian-Right

The modern Republican Party, is now Donald Trump’s latest reality show. That from looking at it you would think it’s filmed in either Manhattan, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, or Hollywood, but instead from my hometown of Washington coming to you at taxpayers expense. Publicly the Republican Party might still be the a Christian-Conservative party, but privately when no one else is looking is where it still counts. People tend to be their most honest for good and bad when they believe no one else is looking or listening. And in private the Republican Party has no issues with the issues that they saw as threats to American culture and molality just ten years ago, just as long as the people engaging in those activities aren’t loyal to Donald Trump and come from his Tea Party Nationalist wing of the party.


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Source: Real Time

Source: This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat Plus

Is it just me, or does Mike Huckabee sound like he’s moderating? One of the advantages of living in such a huge vast diverse developed liberal democracy like America, is that we have all types of people, cultures and lifestyles. That we are all free to be ourselves. But we can’t force our lifestyle and way of life on to other people. And I think that is what Governor Huckabee was essentially saying, at least when it came to language and how we communicate with people.

If your way of life is going to church seven days a week and never doing anything without praying to Jesus first, dad works hard, mom stays at home and raise the kids, the only music you listen to is country or gospel, the only channel you get to watch is Fox News or CMT, great. If you want to party like it’s still 1955, except for the creation of Fox News, be my guess. Just as long as you don’t kidnap anyone from outside of your world and force your lifestyle on them. Or try to get big government to do that for you.

Americans can live in modern America. Which is really everywhere outside of the Bible Belt. And yes the Bible Belt covers a lot of land in America. Just not that many people. You got to go where the people are. Which is how Democrats win presidential elections with only winning half of the states or less. Because they win most if not all the big states. Or you can live in modern diverse America, where you may see five people at once who don’t look like you. And perhaps practice five different religions, or don’t practice at all. But one thing that makes us great is our diversity and freedom. We can all live our own lives, without big government forcing one lifestyle or another on the whole country.

Real Time: Bill Maher Interviewing Governor Mike Huckabee

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Rick Santorum_ Liberal Penn State punished me for being conservative

Source:Salon Magazine– “Rick Santorum in his 1976 high school yearbook photo.” From Salon Magazine.

Source:FreeState MD

“Rick Santorum hates college. The former senator from Pennsylvania and current presidential candidate has lately taken to declaring that Barack Obama’s promotion higher education is both elitist snobbery and a insidious attempt to “indoctrinate” the children of America’s hardworking conservative parents into socialism. His crusade against the ivory tower took an even weirder turn last weekend when he told a radio station that he was discriminated against at Penn State for his conservatism.”

From Salon Magazine

If Rick Santorum is a Conservative, then Ron Paul is a Socialist and Ron Reagan was a Communist. Oh by the way I’m Santa Clause, right now its 100 degrees in Boston and it’s snowing in Houston. And before you take any of that seriously, keep in mind right now its March. And you want to know why Rick Santorum is not a Conservative, I’ll tell you anyway.

Conservatism in a political sense, forget about religion right now, but in a political sense conservatism is about conserving individual liberty. Not subtracting individual liberty or conserving a way of life from the 1950s and never modernizing. And it’s about limited government, especially the Federal Government, spending no more than you take in and always try to spend less than that. And devolving power back to the states and to the people. And a foreign policy that’s very limited and based around only protecting national security interests.

Political or constitutional or classical conservatism, is not about: “I and people who ally with me, know best how free adult Americans should live their lives. And if you don’t take our friendly advice on how you should live your own life, even though we have no idea who you are, we’ll get our friendly advice passed through law. And then if you don’t comply on how we believe you should live your individual lives, we’ll arrest you for your own good for living an immoral life. Even if your lifestyle is not hurting anyone else with how you are living.” Which is sort of Rick Santorum’s political philosophy.

On all counts of what conservatism actually is from a political sense, fiscally and socially especially Rick Santorum doesn’t qualify as a Conservative. Not on social issues, fiscal policy or foreign policy. He has a record as a borrow and spender, porker, empowering the Federal Government in his sixteen years in Congress. (House and Senate)

On social issues, Rick Santorum has a record of wanting to outlaw things that are currently legal. Limiting our personal freedom and has even added to that in his presidential campaign, coming out in favor of a constitutional amendment to empower the Federal Government to define marriage. Nothing Conservative about that and what happened to States Rights? The distinguished Senator is also in favor of outlawing pornography, gambling and birth control.

On foreign policy, Senator Santorum voted for preventive war, hard to see either Barry Goldwater or Ron Reagan voting for the 2nd War in Iraq.

So in a political sense, Rick Santorum doesn’t qualify as a Conservative and never has. He meets the qualifications of a religious theocrat. But those are different from conservatism and on the Far-Right, where Senator Santorum is in American politics.

Rick Santorum or perhaps Ricky or Slick Rick (at least when it comes to trying to convince people who know better of his conservative credentials or the serious lack of them) is a Big Government Republican. A right-wing statist, the ultimate big brother or big government, or better yet Uncle Sam, no real Conservative’s favorite uncle. And he believes he knows best how free people should live their own lives.

I mean if Rick Santorum is a Conservative, the Queen of England eats Burger King whoppers for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. And when Burger King is unavailable, she gets her meals from McDonald’s. And it never rains in Seattle and a lot other nonsense that is simply not believable.

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