
Posts Tagged ‘Cop Shows’

_Police Woman_ TV Intro

Source:The Rap Sheet– Hollywood Goddess Angie Dickinson’s legs, in Police Woman.

“This is the Season One opening sequence from “Police Woman,” the 1974-1978 NBC-TV police drama starring Angie Dickinson and Earl Holliman. Although I wasn’t a big fan of “Police Woman,” I loved Morton Stevens’ theme music for the show.”

From The Rap Sheet

Police Women

Source:The Daily Journal– Hollywood Goddess Angie Dickinson, as The Police Woman.

I need to see this show at some point, if for nothing else to see if there’s any other motivation other than to check out and see the great Angie Dickinson in it.

But from what I’ve seen in this first scene, looks like this show is pretty solid. And if I see it on reruns like on Me-TV, or find it on demand, I’ll definitely watch it. I love cop shows with beautiful if not gorgeous, in Angie Dickinson’s case, sexy women in it who kick ass. Shows like that are pretty common now and have been since probably the 1990s, if not further back.

But they were in new in the 1970s and back then if you saw a great looking woman in it, they were generally victims, or playing witness’s, perhaps the secretary of some big shot organize crime boss or something. But generally not playing big major roles on the show.

You can also see this post at FreeState MD, on WordPress.

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RIP Dennis Farina

Source:Brave New Foundation– actor Dennis Farina, when he was on seasons 15-16 of Law & Order. RIP

Source:The Daily Journal

“On Law & Order, everything makes sense: the police chase after violent bad guys, the accused get a fair trial, and justice is blind. But is that the reality in the United States? Watch this video to have your mind blown about how unjust our system truly is.

Produced with the partnership of the American Civil Liberties Union, Constitution Project, and National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.”

From Brave New Foundation

A lot of these law enforcement shows about the justice system, all though most of them are entertaining, only focus on a small percentage of the crimes. But again we are talking about entertainment here. Who would want to watch a show that’s about shoplifting, or traffic stops, drunk driving an so-forth. People need to be able to differentiate between reality and entertainment and many times they are not the same thing. But even if the law enforcement shows showed the criminal justice system for what it is that it a lot about drug crimes and drug offenders and that a lot of these supposed crimes happen in African-American communities in urban areas, these shows would be accused of racism. For always highlighting young African-American men as suspects and criminals.

If these law enforcement shows showed the criminal justice system for what it really is, that it is basically about low-level felonies like shoplifting and misdemeanors, who would watch? Again I get back to the entertainment factor here. A lot of these shows as far as the crimes and how the detectives and prosecutors do their jobs even though they aren’t completely accurate, are at least realistic. As professionals in the criminal justice system will tell you. And even though they do tend to concentrate on a low percentage of crimes that are committed in America, they tend to do a good and accurate job. And they are realistic in the sense that crimes in America are committed by all Americans as far as ethnicity and race. And they don’t focus on one racial, or ethnic group in America.

Again to go back to Hollywood and reality it’s not the job of Hollywood to show exactly what life if like and the subjects that they cover. There job is to be entertaining and hopefully realistic. Smart viewers want both, but unfortunately for lot of Americans they simply want to be entertained when they are watching TV. And even if these shows don’t show the criminal justice system for exactly what it is, again its Hollywood and if you’re a smart person you’re going to anyway how realistic the show is anyway by how informed you are about how the country works. And how much you know about current affairs in America including criminal justice, or whatever the issue is.

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