
Posts Tagged ‘Texas’


Source:The Daily Journal Plus– Lee H. Oswald in 1963, right before the JFK assassination 

Source:The New Democrat Plus

In his entire twenty-four years on Earth, he had at best a handful of friends, including his wife who was from Russia. He moves to Russia and figures out fairly quickly like any intelligent person would that hadn’t been brainwashed, that Russia and their Soviet system, might not be the best way for him to live. That even a devout Communist or Marxist needed some personal and perhaps even economic autonomy over their own affairs. And comes back to America in the late 1950s early 1960s when Fidel Castro’s Communists had just taken over Cuba. And learns about Castro’s Cuba and decided that maybe the Castro communist system was the way to go.

And this is the time that the Dwight Eisenhower Administration was cracking down on Castro’s Cuba and imposing all sorts of economic sanctions on Cuba. Move into 1961 with Jack Kennedy becoming President of the United States and the Kennedy Administration taking a tough hard-core stance against both Russia and Cuba and now Oswald knows which side he’s on. He likes Cuba’s communist system and doesn’t like America’s liberal democratic system and gets in bed with Communist Cuba. I think its obvious why Oswald assassinated President Kennedy. The question is, was there anyone else involved in the plot to kill Kennedy. Or was Oswald by himself.

Oswald assassinated Kennedy because of the Kennedy Administration’s crackdown on Communist Cuba. Including having the Russian missiles removed from Cuba. Jack Kennedy, Liberal Democrat. Lee Oswald and Fidel Castro Marxist Communists. According to Oswald, they couldn’t live in the same world together for communism to flourish the way he believed it could. Oswald wasn’t going to assassinate Fidel or commit suicide. Which meant that according to him Jack Kennedy had to go. Now the only question is was there anyone else behind the plot.
PBS: Frontline- Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?

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Jon Stewart defends _Duck Dynasty_ star's right to free speech _ Salon_comSource:Salon Magazine– welcome to Redneckistan. Or the Texas portion of Redneckistan.

Source:The New Democrat

“Last night Jon Stewart couldn’t resist bringing up the racist and homophobic comments “Duck Dynasty’s” star Phil Robertson made in a recent interview – but he didn’t take Robertson down in typical Daily Show style. Robertson was removed from “Duck Dynasty” soon after his comments became public, a move Stewart clearly took issue with.

Stewart, who admitted he thought “Duck Dynasty” was “a show where ducks reenact the show ‘Dynasty,'” defended Robertson’s right to free speech:

“I think what the guy said is ignorant,” said Stewart, “but I also have an inclination to support a world where saying ignorant sh*t on television doesn’t get you kicked off that medium.”

Stewart went on to talk about how Fox News was also, unsurprisingly, defending Robertson’s right to free speech – except that this defense was cloaked in hypocrisy, given the channel’s campaign to draw attention to a perceived “War on Christmas.”

He said: “Their [Fox News] belief in free speech doesn’t extend to the holidays, when the word ‘Christmas’ is mandatory.”

From Salon Magazine

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The Young Turks_ John Iadarola_ 'Ted Cruz _Filibuster_ On Obamacare'Source:The Young Turks– U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (Republican, Texas) speaking at length (to quote John Iadarola) about ObamaCare.

Source:FreeState MD

“Ted Cruz finally released his grip on the Senate floor after more than 21 hours of speaking about the need to defund Obamacare.

The Texas Republican seized control of the Senate floor on Tuesday about 2:42 p.m. vowing to “speak in support of defunding Obamacare until I am no longer able to stand.” Cruz could have spoken all the way up to a 1 p.m. procedural vote on moving spending bill forward, but he relented at noon.”.* John Iadarola (TYT University, The Common Room) breaks it down on The Young Turks.”

From The Young Turks

Where Senator Ted Cruz’s speech about ObamaCare was a filibuster, or a crazy man with nothing better to do, then to go down to the U.S. Senate floor and prevent the presiding officer of the Senate from going home to get some much needed sleep, (like a selfish person, or something) Senator Cruz proved one point. He can speak for hours and hours about nothing, add nothing to an already controversial debate about ObamaCare. And apparently do this leaving plenty of coffee and candy bars for everyone else in Washington.

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David Logan - Logan Leather

Source:Logan Leather– David Logan, talking about his leather jeans.

“Why do I cook in leather pants? Because I’m comfortable wearing them.”

Source:Logan Leather

First of all, I think The Lizard King Jim Morrison would’ve been proud of this guy’s leather wardrobe, especially the leather jeans. After all The Lizard King put leather jeans on the map in America.

Leather jeans are still not as popular as denim jeans for either men or women, at least outside of rocker or biker culture, and yes, gay culture. And skinny leather jeans are not as popular as skinny denim jeans even with American women. But without Jim Morrison, leather jeans might be as popular as fur coats in July in Arizona, or full-length head to toe dresses that were common in the 19th Century.

This guy also make a good practical point about wearing what makes you happy. Logan is a biker so leather jeans aren’t exactly a stretch for him. Bikers men and women wear leather jeans on a regular basis. For practical and for style reasons. They protect the biker’s legs and keeps them worn in cold weather. They have a great feel on the bike especially on long rides. And they look great on bikes similar to denim jeans for men and women.

And this guy is obviously very comfortable in them, like the look and can afford them, so why not.

You can also see this post on Blogger.

You can also see this post at The Action Blog, on WordPress.

You can also see this post at FreeState MD, on WordPress.

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Dallas_ Larry Hagman as JR Ewing Quotes Part 2

Source:CBS– The great character actor Larry Hagman, as J.R. Ewing on Dallas.

“Dallas: Larry Hagman as JR Ewing Quotes”

From CBS

CBS Dallas

Source:The Daily Journal– JR Ewing, caught in-between two women. 

JR Ewing, was the funniest prick in Dallas stuck between two women he didn’t treat very well. One of them Sue Ellen Sheppard, (played by Linda Gray)  who was the Goddess of Dallas and several mistress’s he had on the show.

Larry Hagman, who played J.R., was perfect for that character, because he had a comedic wit and a keen intelligence. And was someone who knew himself very well. And would do anything i took including hurting others to achieve his goals. Not saying that Larry Hagman was also a prick. (People who know him better are better to judged) But to give you an idea of how great a character actor that Hagman was, he made J.R. Ewing who was a selfish womanizing prick, into one of the most popular characters in Hollywood history.

But Larry Hagman also had a comedic wit and keen intelligence and was a great character actor and comedian. And played his characters to the hilt. Hagman made J.R. Ewing. Sort of how Alan Alda made Captain Hawkeye Pierce on MASH. They turned those characters into themselves as if they were playing themselves on their show.

Which to me at least is a sign of a great actor. Does the actor make the character believable or not. J.R. Ewing, has this unique ability of putting people in their place, but being very funny and accurate at the same time. He knew the people he was talking to very well. And what they thought of him and what they both had on each other.

J.R.Ewing’s wives and mistress’s, knew he was a bastard, but that he was a very successful bastard and a very wealthy bastard. And part of why he was so successful in life besides being the son a very wealthy Texas oil man, was that he was a successful bastard.

He knew how to screw people and then was smart enough to either pay them off, or screw them in a way where if they tried to retaliate it would only get worst for them, because J.R. could simply destroy them.

Which poses this question given that J.R.’s lady friends already knowing this: why were they drawn to this J.R. Well, the same reason why people are interested in serial killers and crooked career politicians. Because they are so good at what they do and are so successful at it despite their character flaws.

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1984 COTTON BOWL - #7 Georgia Bulldogs vs_ #2 Texas Longhorns (1983 season) (2012) - Google SearchSource:Carl Milton– with the 1984 Cotton Bowl.

“Georgia Bulldog fans never have to look at their watches when they are in Texas…because it will always be 10 to 9…

I do not own the rights to this video and do not profit in any way.”

From Carl Milton

A Cotton Bowl with national championship implications.

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Walter Cronkite
Source:CBS News– anchorman Walter Cronkite, announcing the death of President John F. Kennedy.

“From the CBS archives from Friday, November 22, 1963, Walter Cronkite announces to the nation that President John F. Kennedy had died.”

From CBS News

“Assassination of John F. Kennedy, mortal shooting of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, as he rode in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. His accused killer was Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine who had embraced Marxism and defected for a time to the Soviet Union. Oswald never stood trial for murder, because, while being transferred after having been taken into custody, he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby, a distraught Dallas nightclub owner.”

assassination of John F_ Kennedy _ Summary, Facts, Aftermath, & Conspiracy

Source:Britannica– from the Chicago Tribune.

From Britannica 

“As The World Turns” was airing on CBS the afternoon of November 22, 1963, when Walter Cronkite broke in to tell the nation that President Kennedy had been shot. Coverage then went back to the soap opera, but not for long. Charles Osgood reports on how America learned of the shooting of a president.”

From CBS News

Newscasters and journalists in general are trained to never show their feelings and give commentary. That old Joe Friday saying of just the facts man. (For all of you Dragnet fans) But these people are exactly that, people and they have feelings too.

When you’re reporting on the death and not just death, but the assassination of someone you personally know, like, respect and even admirer, all things that Walter Cronkite felt about John Kennedy and then throw in the fact they were the same age and from the same generation, how you not show your human side in this situation. This was the first presidential assassination during the network news era. Where most if not all Americans, we’re getting at least part of their news from the networks.

And you are reporting on the assassination of someone who is just 46 and you are same age, to go along with all the other factors, I would’ve been disappointed had Cronkite not given people at least a little into what he was feeling about this horrible tragedy.

Cronkite was at the top of his game during CBS News’s coverage of the JFK assassination that he anchored. And part of Cronkite’s greatness was that he was a human being the whole time and not afraid to let others know that.

There was no precedent for network news to cover presidential assassinations. There hadn’t been a presidential assassination since William McKinley at the turn of the 20th Century. When radio hadn’t even been invented yet. CBS News, NBC News and ABC News, was literally learning how to cover this on the fly.

Walter Cronkite, wasn’t announcing the death of a cab driver who was mugged the night before in his cab in New York City. Not that murder is not important, because of course it would be. He was announcing the death of not just a public servant and public official, or politician, or even a Chief of State, or even a President. He was announcing the death of a President of the United States. He was announcing the death of his own President and President of his own country. A President he personally knew and perhaps even considered a friend. The first time this was ever done on network news and hopefully the last, because this assassination was way too expensive and should have never had happen. And Cronkite deserves a lot of credit for how he handled himself.

You can also see this post at FreeState MD, on WordPress.

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Source:NBC News– covering President Lyndon B. Johnson’s last day at The White House.

Source:The Daily Journal

“LBJ’s last day as President …as reported on 1/20/1969 (Nixon’s first day as president.)”

From Mike Gardner

I’m guessing Lyndon Johnson was ready to leave the presidency and had enough. 1966, was a really rough year for President Johnson and the Johnson Presidency. House Democrats, lose over forty seats in the House and three in the Senate because of the Vietnam War and how unpopular it was. Plus with the Republican Party and House Republicans, finally figuring out how to campaign and win in the South, Richard Nixon of course was a huge help there and he campaigned for a lot of House Republicans and House Republican candidates and did that in the South. Which helped him with his 1968 presidential campaign with all of these new Freshman Republican Representatives, who now owed him favors.

1967, the war gets even worst for the Johnson Administration in Vietnam. And now he’s having a lot of problems with his own party in Congress. Starting with Senate Democrats holding Vietnam War hearings that started in 1965, but continued through the next Congress in 1967.

In 1967 several Senate Democrats are now weighing presidential bids against their party leader in President Johnson. Like Robert Kennedy, Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern. The anti-war movement and the New-Left emerges in the late 1960s. And they’re against President Johnson and calling him a war criminal, and war monger and a few things that you can’t say on network TV, even today.

1968, was the topper with LBJ now being the most unpopular elected politician in America. And now there’s talk if he can even win the Democratic nomination for president, let alone with the presidency against Richard Nixon, Nelson Rockefeller, or George Romney, in the Republican Party.

By March 1968, President Johnson decides that he’s had enough and doesn’t want to run for reelection and announces that to the country. But 1968 is just getting started with two great political leaders, Senator Robert Kennedy, and Dr. Martin King, both being assassinated. There racial riots in Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles.

The Democratic Party, is now divided between their mainstream Progressives, which LBJ represents and their Far-Left. LBJ, was really smart not to run for reelection in 1968.

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