
Posts Tagged ‘Faddists’



Source: CBS

Source: This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat

Alan Alda playing Captain Cliche on The Carol Burnett Show. The man who probably watches too much TV and too many movies and unable to think for himself. Doesn’t sound that unfamiliar to the faddists who follow every trend just to be cool or awesome. We especially see that with technology today where so many Americans feel the need and must have the latest technology, computer, smart phones, etc. Because they won’t want to be the only one that doesn’t have the latest phone or whatever. And be the only one with I-Phone 5 instead of 6 or whatever.

I called Alan Alda Captain Cliche in this scene, but Cookie Cutter would’ve worked to. Someone not able to think for them self especially when they are talking to people they like and want to like them. So what they do to compensate is use material that they’ve heard from other sources. There’s cookie cutter humor that I’m not a fan of that we see today with so many sitcoms and movies using other people’s material and lines because it worked and sound cool there, so they use that with their project as well.

But if you know the real Alan Alda as opposed to this dope he played in this sketch, which he did very well, not that it takes a lot of effort to play a dope, but you know that Alda is anything, but cookie cutter or cliche when it came to his own humor. And that he is very spontaneous and off the cuff, flip and real quick with his wit. As we saw with MASH where he had a big role in the material that was used and as we’ve seen throughout his carer and with his personal appearances.

CBS: Carol Burnett Show- Dinner & A Movie: Alan Alda & Carol Burnett

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This post was originally posted at The New Democrat on Blogger

People who claim to not care about what others think of them and how they look are sure as hell spending a lot of money to look a certain way. And of course they have the right to do that and I don’t believe anyone is saying they don’t, because it is their money and they can do whatever the hell they want to themselves as long as they are held responsible for their own decisions. But it’s definitely a big contradiction, the smoking gun if you will, that hipsters are just as superficial about how they look as what I call valley people, who follow valley culture and live its lifestyle.

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Ian Ramsley_ Sixties Berkeley _ The Daily JournalSource:Ian Ransley– with a look at 1960s Berkeley, California.

“A few photos of the protests and riots from 1967 – 1970 from a child who grew up in Berkeley in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s who still lives here. Berkeley, California”

Source:Ian Ramsley

The emergence of the New-Left in America of leftist radicals who had socialist anarchist tendencies, that saw it as their duty to take on the conservative as well as liberal establishments in America and to move America further to the Left politically and culturally, a lot of this happened at Berkeley in the late 1960s.

Groups like The Weather Underground and Students For a Democratic Society, Democratic Socialists USA, groups that were basically Occupy Wall Street of the 1960s, the parents and grandparents of OWS, all coming in the scene in America as Baby Boomers were starting and graduating from college and deciding they didn’t like the America they grew up in. And we’re going to try to create a new America.

There was sort of a perfect political storm happening in the 1960s:

The Baby Boom coming of age, a huge generation that was born in the 1940s and 50s, that were growing up in both of those decades, as well as the 1960s.

And then you have the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, the Cultural Revolution in and outside of Hollywood, that the Boomers were part of, as well as their elders in the Silent Generation who were in their late twenties and thirties at this point.

You have roughly 70-80 million Baby Boomers (depending on how you define that generation) who were coming of age in a very turbulent decade. And saw an America they didn’t like or wasn’t as good as they thought it should be. Who were much further left than the Progressives and wanted to remake the country.

That is how you get the New-Left in America and Berkeley was the center of it. A very collectivist establishment era from the 1950s and before, going too far with the Cold War and the Vietnam War (as the New-Left would see it) and with millions of young adults just graduating high school, starting college, graduating college, wanting nothing to do with the military draft and the Vietnam War, other than to oppose it. Who had more in common with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, then they did Jack Kennedy, when it came to politics. Who wanted to live their own lives and not go with the party-line and lifestyle that they parents and grandparents lived. Who were now old enough and organized enough to make their politics well-known.

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Vietnam War - Students for a Democratic Society - _To Change the World_ (2010) - Google Search

Source:Jake Hammond– welcome to black and white America.

“Here is a video I made for a Vietnam project in my history class.”

From Jake Hammond

If you want to compare Students For a Democratic Society today with another left-wing organization, Occupy Wall Street, Democratic Socialists of America, perhaps Community Party USA would be the closest. But except for maybe the Communists, you don’t see a militant component in the New-Left today, because most of their members are white-collar, hipster yuppies, who probably want nothing to do with jail and love their personal and economic freedom in America. And are really just part of Occupy or some other New-Left group because they think it’s the cool thing to do and this is what the cool people are doing.

Students For a Democratic Society

Source:Students For a Democratic Society– 2008 SDS rally.

I actually believe as a current affairs blogger that todays Occupy Wall Street movement was born in the 1960s as part of what was called the New-Left. Because if you look at where Students For a Democratic Society were for back then and what they are trying to accomplish then and today, the end of war and that basically means all war, this movement is exactly what a person whose called a dove looks like and is.

A dove is someone who tends to take a soft approach when it comes to areas like national security and foreign policy, law enforcement, areas where government sometimes involves itself in the personal lives of individuals.

Doves were around pre-1965, but they really came alive in the 1960s with the Baby Boom Generation. And some of their kids today that is part of the New-Left who actually grew up, are part of the Occupy Wall Street movement today that’s again anti-war period. But also believes in things that Social Democrats call social justice: creating an economic system that of course is government based that would work to see that there’s economic equality throughout the country. That no one has too much and no one has too little.

The reason why the Democratic Party even has a left-wing today (or what others call Far-Left) is because of the New-Left (Socialists and Communists of the 1960s and 70s) because pre-1965 or so, the Democratic Party was made up of Center-Left Progressives, as well as Center-Right Conservatives, and even Far-Left Neo-Confederates in the South. But there weren’t Socialists in the Democratic Party for the most part back then. The New-Left changed that in the late 1960s and going into the 1970s.

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